Reconnecting through art

The distinct cultural themes and the exclusivity of not being mass-produced resonate deeply with his clientele, which largely comprises cultural workers and overseas Filipinos seeking a connection to their heritage. These bespoke creations offer a touch of home and a celebration of identity for those far from the Philippines.

“I never imagined that my creations would serve a cultural purpose. It seems to have happened organically. My aim was simply to promote the art of Mindanao through my dolls,” he says.

Falalimpa is driven by a mission to showcase the diverse culture of Mindanao. Through his meticulously crafted polymer clay dolls, he aims to bring the stories of the Indigenous People and Moros to a broader audience, fostering interest and enhancing cultural understanding. His art serves as a bridge, connecting viewers to the vibrant heritage and traditions of Mindanao.

There was a time when he doubted his abilities as a polymer clay artist. However, an artist friend assured him that it was not a lack of talent but rather a need to refine his skills. Consequently, he invested in honing his abilities, eager to deepen his understanding of his craft.

As a polymer clay artist, he cherishes the support he receives from his family. Their shared artistic background allows them to understand and encourage his creative pursuits, providing a nurturing environment for his talent to flourish. This familial support is a cornerstone of his success and a source of gratitude in his artistic journey.

In the coming months, he will be presenting his work at national exhibitions, which will serve as a vibrant showcase of Mindanao’s rich culture. Through this platform, he aims to illuminate the region’s unique heritage, fostering greater awareness and dispelling prevalent


Falalimpa acknowledges the weight of responsibility that comes with elucidating his work to the public. He recognizes the importance of being culturally informed and sensitive, especially when his art delves into cultural themes. This conscientious approach ensures that his representations are both respectful and accurate. 

“The public should become acquainted with Mindanao’s culture, the cultural heart of the Philippines,” he says.