Updates Announced For Animal Cruelty Law In Decatur – Decatur Tribune

     The City of Decatur and Macon County Animal Control would like to notify the community of recent updates to the local Animal Cruelty ordinance. Changes were made to further protect pets and animals.
     The Decatur City Council approved updates to City Code Chapter 47 – Control of Animals, Fowl and Dogs – on September 3 and the rules are in effect immediately.
     Here is a summary of additions to the ordinance:
• Prohibits the starving and mistreating of animals
• Requires shelters be provided which must have the following:
o Construction of solid wood or other weather-resistant materials with solid walls on all sides
o A raised dry floor and sloped roof
o Sufficient in size to permit animal to move about freely
• Tethering/tying up
o No choke collar, rope, chain, or cord directly attached to the animal’s neck
o No collar too small for the size and age of animal
o No leash/tether less than 12 feet in length
o No tethering or confining an animal at a vacant structure or premises for any purpose or time when it is not monitored by a competent adult present at the property
o No tethering any animal to a motorized vehicle
o No tethering any animal which is sick or injured
o No tethering any animal which is less than six (6) months of age
• Medical Care
o Diseased or sick animals are required to receive proper medical care and should be segregated from other animals to prevent transmittal of disease
     If someone suspects animal cruelty, they should report it to Animal Control at 217-425-4508. Animal Control will begin the investigation. If a violation is found, a citation and a notice to appear may be issued for either Administrative Court or Circuit Court.
     These changes are necessary to protect pets and animals, but they were also made in response to community requests from local organizations. We thank the organizations for leading this effort to further protect our pets and animals.
     The entire Chapter 47 can be found on the City’s website: https://www.decaturil.gov/159/City-Code