Understanding Fertilizer Use for Garden Soils


Please join us for our meeting Wednesday, October 16th, when the Orcas Island Garden Club welcomes Craig Cogger to speak about soils and fertilizer use, including organic fertilizers, soil tests and interpretations, published guidance, and calculating fertilizer rates.

Craig will present to us via Zoom but we welcome you to join us to view the presentation and then enjoy social time at the Orcas Island Library in the Community Room.

Craig Cogger was a Soil Scientist at WSU Puyallup from 1984 until his retirement in 2015. He conducted and published research on organic farming systems and organic nutrient management, taught soils classes for Master Gardeners, and wrote WSU gardening publications. He now volunteers as a gardening educator with students and adults in Tacoma.

The presentation begins at 10 via Zoom. For a link to the live Zoom presentation go to the Orcas Island Garden Club website and click the link below the list of presentations. The presentation will be recorded. To watch the recorded presentation, go to the link ‘recorded presentations’ under ‘events’ on the club website. Garden club presentations are free and open to the public.