Small Dog Safely Rescued After Becoming Wedged in Car Grille

A schnauzer had a lucky escape after becoming trapped in the grille of a car, with the rescue caught on video.

Employees at a Florida auto repair shop, who safely removed one-year-old Barbas from the car, said said the pup “defied the odds.”

“After a heart-stopping moment, this sweet dog was hit by a car and somehow found himself wedged in the lower bumper,” St Lucie Battery and Tire wrote on Facebook.

“The driver, shocked but determined to get help, carefully drove to us the next day to get assistance,” they said, adding, “Together with animal control, we helped free the dog, who walked away without a single scratch.”

After the rescue, Barbas was reunited with his owner, Juan Rangel, who was interviewed by WPTV.

“I couldn’t wrap my head around it,” he said. “I’m like, what do you mean he’s stuck in a bumper? It’s crazy and then just seeing the videos. I mean, it’s unbelievable. I mean, he really is a miracle.” Credit: St Lucie Battery and Tire/Lenny Cruz via Storyful

Video transcript

After you.

Yeah, and to go, I don’t want to terrified.

He’s petrified, catch by dogs.

Come take this thing off.

Yeah, we thought there’s one more right here.

You ready?


But this might wear that.

I have to like, oh, hey, baby, thank you guys.

I think that’s like the fifth one y’all have saved for us.

That’s free and tires, right?

Free advertisement.

That’s what we need.

We don’t need fixed cars, rescue dogs, I do.