See ‘Spooky Animals’ at the Paso Robles City Library

See 'Spooky Animals' at the Paso Robles City Library

– The Paso Robles City Library will host an in-person event, “Spooky Animals with Pacific Wildlife Care,” on Wednesday, Oct. 2, from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Pacific Wildlife Care will teach attendees about some of the Central Coast’s spookier local wildlife.

Can owls really turn their heads all the way around? Are opossums really large rats? Do bats really fly upside down? Get the answers to these questions and learn all about these fascinating local creatures that we are likely to encounter- possibly in our own backyards. Live animals will be present at this event. This class is intended for ages 16+. The presentations about the animals will be given on an adult level.

Space is limited, and registration is required for each family member attending. The event will take place in the conference room of the Paso Robles City Library.

For more information and to register, visit Paso Robles City Library.


About the author: News Staff

The news staff of the Paso Robles Daily News wrote or edited this story from local contributors and press releases. The news staff can be reached at