At today’s session, the Government of Montenegro adopted the Information on the need to provide a location for the harmless removal of carcasses of animals that died from infectious diseases.
As stated in the announcement, the Information emphasizes that the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management and the Administration for Food Safety, Veterinary and Phytosanitary Affairs are intensively monitoring and that “since the outbreak itself, they have taken and are implementing all measures aimed at preventing the further occurrence and spread of the disease kyu (Q) fever, in order to reduce the negative consequences that the disease can cause in case of further spread”.
“Harmless removal of carcasses of animals that have died/killed from infectious diseases is a very challenging process, given that in Montenegro there is still no established system for collecting, processing or destroying by-products of animal origin. Montenegro, that is, the relevant Ministry for these needs provided funds for the construction of the facility in cooperation with the World Bank as part of the MIDAS 2 project and activities are ongoing, and the completion of the works is not expected before 2027,” the announcement reads.
It is emphasized that, in accordance with the Law on Veterinary Medicine, it is the duty of each local self-government to ensure the collection and destruction of by-products of animal origin, in the event that there is no legal or physical entity that performs these tasks.
“…But unfortunately, no local self-government has fulfilled the prescribed legal obligation, i.e. it does not have a livestock cemetery, nor a pit grave for disposing of the corpses of dead/killed animals, nor a defined location for the same. In order to suppress diseases and protect the health of people, animals and wildlife environment, the Government adopted several conclusions, the implementation of which in precisely defined deadlines will ensure the prevention of the spread and removal of the consequences of the mentioned disease”, the Government announced.
The executive power also adopted the Information on the adaptation and furnishing of the press room in the Government building.
They said that on this occasion, the Administration for State Property is responsible for providing the necessary financial resources and, in cooperation with the General Secretariat of the Government, to undertake activities to finalize the technical specifications required for the implementation of the public procurement procedure for adapting and equipping the press room.
“The Draft Law on Amendments to the Law on State Property has been approved. The reasons for the adoption of this Law are contained in the need for harmonization with the new Law on the Use of Energy from Renewable Sources, which, among other things, prescribes the procedure for leasing state-owned land, i.e. of natural resources for the production of electricity from renewable sources. It is also proposed that the value of immovable property is assessed by the administrative body responsible for property affairs, while the value of immovable property for the purposes of expropriation will be assessed by the authorized administrative body responsible for cadastre affairs, a all with the aim of unifying activities and carrying out work in the same body, especially taking into account the preparation of the immovable property register and the mass assessment of its value,” the announcement states.
“The Government adopted the Information on the fulfillment of the conditions for granting the prior consent of the Government of Montenegro for the erection of a memorial to the Metropolitan of Montenegrin Littoral, Mr. Amfilohi, before the expiration of the deadline prescribed by Article 9, Paragraph 2 of the Law on Monuments,” said the Government.