Trimming your cat’s nails every few weeks is an important part of maintaining your pet’s health. Check out the top tips for trimming your cat’s nails.
Although cats typically keep their claws in good condition on their own, indoor cats and senior cats who have trouble retracting their claws may require routine trimming to avoid issues. Every few weeks, you should trim your cat’s claws to maintain their health. A simple cut can save your sofa, curtains, and other furnishings in addition to safeguarding you, your pet, and your family. Nail trimming is thus a quick and efficient substitute for declawing, which requires surgical amputation and may result in behavioural and medical problems. If the thought of clipping a cat’s claws makes you want to bite your nails, just be patient and practise a little to hone your skills. (Also read: Pet care: 5 grooming tools every dog parent must have )
Dr Charlie Astle, Veterinarian and Pet Wellness Expert, shares top tips for trimming your cat’s nails in her recent Instagram post.
Get someone to help you hold your cat and use lots of treats, but stop immediately if they become unhappy or try to run away.
In the majority of cats, the quick ought to be visible. Get veterinarian guidance if you are unable to simply trim the tips if they appear long.
To thoroughly expose the nail, gently press on the top and bottom of the toe. The pink spot in the nail that represents the quick should be noted. Because it has a plentiful blood and nerve supply, cutting it will hurt your cat and cause quite a bit of bleeding.
Position the nail clipper at a 45-degree angle, 3-4mm under the quick. The quick contains blood vessels and nerves so it’s important to try not to cut this. If in doubt just take the tips off.
Take your time, and after each nail, give your cat a treat. If they start to complain or try to flee, stop right away. Your cat may scratch more to get their nail back to a pointed shape after you’ve clipped it since they may want to sharpen it again.