‘Our Garden Allies’ presented by Fredrique Lavopierre

‘Our Garden Allies’ presented by Fredrique Lavopierre

Submitted by SJC Master Gardeners.

Join San Juan County Master Gardeners for our Annual Gardening Workshop lecture series, held in October over two weeks and presented as Zoom webinars so that gardeners can enjoy the lectures from the comfort of their homes. The series includes 8 one-hour presentations with additional time for questions and answers, which are recorded and available to view for registrants until Nov. 30, 2024.

Our keynote speaker, Frédérique Lavoipierre will begin our workshop at noon on Tues-day, October 15 with her presentation “Garden Allies: The Insects, Birds, and Other An-imals That Keep Your Garden Beautiful and Thriving.” Her presentation will gently guide gardeners to put away pesticides and create a beautiful, thriving landscape in col-laboration with all the creatures that live there.

Fredrique is the author of the book of the same name taken from a ten year series of ar-ticles “Garden Allies,” published in Pacific Horticulture Magazine. She served as the di-rector of education at the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, prior to which she was the founding director of the Sustainable Landscape Professional Certificate Program at Sonoma State University. She holds a Masters in biology, with an emphasis on ecolog-ical principles of sustainable landscapes with research focused on plant/insect interac-tion.

Please visit www.gardenworkshop.org to view our topics and speakers and to register.