Nintendo Leaker Offers Encouraging Update on Switch 2 Announcement Window

Key Takeaways

  • In spite of some recent indications that the Switch 2 announcement would happen in September 2024, that did not come to pass.
  • Regardless, Nintendo’s next console is reportedly still on course to be announced in 2024, according to a well-known leaker.
  • Nintendo itself previously confirmed that the Switch successor will be revealed no later than March 2025.

The Nintendo Switch 2 is still on course to be revealed in 2024, a well-known leaker has said. This claim offers a shred of hope for fans who were concerned that Nintendo might have pushed back its rumored announcement plans for the much-anticipated console.

Back in May, the Japanese gaming giant said that it intends to officially reveal the Switch 2 during its current fiscal year, which runs until the end of March 2025. Some subsequent rumors suggested that the long-awaited announcement would happen before the end of 2024. That speculation intensified after a double Nintendo Direct was announced for late August, with some fans theorizing that the Switch maker was clearing its historically eventful September showcase schedule for a new console reveal. But no such announcement happened last month, prompting skepticism about whether the device will be revealed at all before 2025.

Nintendo Leaker Believes Switch 2 Reveal Is (Still) Happening in 2024

Responding to some of these concerns in a recent Famiboards post, Brazil-based journalist Pedro Henrique Lutti Lippe wrote that the Switch 2 remains on course to be unveiled by year’s end. “I still think it’s being announced this year, yes,” the insider wrote. He also used this opportunity to tease some Nintendo fans for needing these renewed assurances from him at all on “the third of October,” suggesting that there’s still plenty of time for his previously stated 2024 announcement window to be proven correct.

Lippe’s Track Record With Nintendo Leaks Is Good, But Not Perfect

Although plenty of leakers have previously shared bold claims about the Switch successor that have later turned out to be incorrect, Lippe is not one of them. On the contrary, his track record with Nintendo is modest but fairly consistent, especially seeing how the Brazilian journalist is the one who broke the recent story about the Switch 2 release being pushed back to 2025. That scoop is still this year’s biggest Switch 2 leak to be confirmed by multiple corroborating reports from credible sources.

I still think [the Switch 2]’s being announced this year, yes.

That notwithstanding, Lippe’s track record with Nintendo leaks is still not perfect. E.g., he was recently wrong about a Nintendo Direct happening in April 2024, which he later admitted he was too eager to report without corroborating. That episode serves as a reminder that all unofficial insights of this sort should be taken with a grain of salt because they are often second- or third-hand information at best.

Nevertheless, Lippe’s reports aren’t the only reason why Nintendo’s next console is currently rumored to be slated for a late 2024 announcement. One parts supplier has recently flat-out said that the Switch 2 would enter mass production in September, which was followed by some real-life images of the console’s alleged chassis and printed circuit board surfacing online. So, as the leaks surrounding the Switch 2 intensify, it is plausible that its announcement is just around the corner in a “where there’s smoke, there’s fire” kind of way.