New strategy game Tactical Breach Wizards wows with 98% Steam rating

It took six years of development to get there, but last week Tactical Breach Wizards finally magicked its way onto Steam. The witty XCOM-like strategy game already stood out from the crowd with its bizarre concept, striking characters, and generous rewind ability that gives you multiple chances at making the perfect turn. Now it’s here, there’s one more thing making it stand out: it’s impressive rating on Steam.

It’s been a week since Tactical Breach Wizards released, and it’s already racked up a decent amount of players – it’s peaked at over 4,700 concurrent players and is yet to dip below 1,000. While that’s of course important and great news in itself, the strategy game currently boasts an overwhelmingly positive reception on Steam, with 98% of its 2,000+ reviews coming in as positive. That’s a glowing endorsement if ever I’ve seen one.

It’s also gone over well with the critics. Scoring no lower than an 8/10, and achieving full marks from some outlets too, it currently sits at an impressive 89 average score on Metacritic, based on ten reviews.

For those only coming across Tactical Breach Wizards for the first time, it puts you in the shoes of a ragtag team of misfit sorcerers that are fighting back against oppressive regimes. As well as their various spells, they’re equipped with enough tactical gear to make Rainbow Six Siege blush. Because why not?

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Throughout its 14-hour, single-player campaign you’ll breach and clear charming-looking levels with turn-based combat. However, while there are hard difficulties, Tactical Breach Wizards generally doesn’t look to punish you for slip-ups. The rewind system lets you replay turns, which is not just great for helping newer strategy game players learn the ropes, but gives anyone a chance to run it back to create the most badass (or hilarious) clear possible.

Tactical Breach Wizards is out now, and if you’re extremely speedy, you might catch the end of its first-week deal that brings its price down by 10% to $17.99/ £15.07.

For more hidden gems, be sure to consult our best indie games on PC guide. Or for more titles that require a tactical approach, here are our favorite turn-based strategy games.

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