MTRCB stands by X rating for ‘Dear Satan’

Kathleen A. Llemit –

September 6, 2024 | 5:38pm

— Despite its title change, “Dear Satan” was still given an X rating by the Movie and Television Review and Classification Board (MTRCB). 

The review body on Friday, September 6 said that it reaffirmed the X rating it previously gave to the Christmas-themed movie starring Paolo Contis and child star Sienna Stevens. 

From “Dear Satan,” producer Mavx Productions Inc. changed its title to “Dear Santa” to “better reflect” the message it wanted to reach its audience. 

An X rating means any film will not be allowed to screen in theaters. 

MTRCB stood by its first review that cited Presidential Decree No. 1986 (PD 1986) that prohibits the exhibition of films and TV shows that attack any race, belief or religion. 

The review committee deemed the movie as featuring a “distorted” depiction of Satan that goes against the teachings and belief of the Church and Christians. It argued that the movie’s portrayal of the controversial figure might influence the viewers, saying that the possibility of Satan being redeemed is “deceiving to the eyes of the viewers.”

“At the MTRCB, we operate under a Committee system, which thoroughly reviews each movie based on established guidelines in accordance to our charter,” MTRCB Chairperson and Chief Executive Officer Lala Sotto-Antonio said in a statement. 

“May these guidelines serve as a reminder to our filmmakers. While we are fully supportive of our movie and television industry, the MTRCB is mandated by PD 1986 to uphold and promote respect for Filipino cultural values,” she added. 

Sotto-Antonio had earlier reaffirmed the body’s initial review and rating during a Senate committee hearing. 

As of press time, Mavx Productions has yet to issue a statement regarding MTRCB’s final rating of its movie. 

“Dear Satan” tells the story of Satan (Contis) who accidentally receives a letter from a child intended for Santa Claus. He befriends the child (Stevens) and tries to lure her to the bad side. Unfortunately for him, the child remains as innocent and kind, making him rethink his role as the stereotypical bad Satan.