Life for Animals at the Pyramids: Beatings, Exhaustion, Suffering, Death

Camels and horses used for tourist rides at popular sites in Egypt are being beaten, hit on the testicles, and denied rest, while dead animals are dumped like rubbish. Despite their promises, the Egyptian government has done nothing to stop the abuse of animals at popular tourist sites.

In 2019, PETA Asia investigations at Egypt’s top tourist sites, including the Great Pyramid of Giza and Luxor’s royal tombs, documented the appalling abuse of horses and camels forced to haul tourists in carriages or serve as photo props in the blistering heat without appropriate shade or food.

When the first investigation broke, Egypt’s Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities promised to make meaningful changes. Yet when PETA Asia investigators returned years later in 2023 and 2024, conditions remained the same. Authorities hadn’t even bothered to honour the simplest promises of providing appropriate shade for the desperately hot animals at the pyramids. In correspondence with PETA, a ministry spokesperson admitted that the goal of any improvements was to benefit tourists, not the abused animals.

Please watch the following video in full to understand the severity of the widespread abuse of horses and camels in Egypt. Then share it with your friends and family.