Is Emily totally leaving Paris for Rome in search of love?

Jerry Donato – The Philippine Star

September 23, 2024 | 12:00am

— “Emily in Paris” has engagingly and intriguingly wrapped up its Season 4.

Its followers are definitely in for another season, unfolding new life and love adventures of Emily Cooper (played by Lily Collins), plus stories of those people within her personal and professional sphere.

I adore how the recent season set the narrative of what lies ahead and its tone (optimistic and romantic).

Emily has been reluctantly uprooted from Paris to head and run the Agence Grateau office in Rome, and found new romance in the person of Marcello (Eugenio Franceschini). Chef and restaurateur Gabriel (Lucas Bravo), whose restaurant gets a Michelin star, on the other hand, wants to know the exact whereabouts of Emily, and he seems ready to chase her.

The repercussions of these developments are what one is curious to know sooner, or if possible, pronto once Season 5 is made available on Netflix, and it’s always a delight to have “Emily in Paris” on one’s must-watch TV series list.

Fans find ample time to squeeze it into their daily routine and binge-watch.

Anyways, it’s written in the stars that the show has its Season 5 based on articles and an interview with Lily available online.

What could be explored in the future of Emily, from Paris to Rome, is not within our hands, but we can make some good guesses, hopefully, where the roads of Rome will lead the fans. If ever the showrunners and the creative team have put some clues in the recently released part two of Season 4, they have given everyone a possible sneak peek at the soon-to-be presented story.

Well, hands-down, what Emily and Marcello have is a “whirlwind romance,” coming from a sincere intention to be together, and I love that.

She is taking another chance at love, and he is reciprocating it. Their affair is not complicated as compared to Emily and Gabriel’s. In the latter, there’s Camille, who still has feelings for him. Their friendship is always at stake.

It seems to me that Emily may favor friendship over romance, although she could also be brave, given her decision to choose Gabriel even if he and Camille “would have a child.”

In connection to that, Emily can make some compromises, but she wants a man who truly cares.

In this handout photo taken by Stephanie Branchu for Netflix, Lily Collins, left, French President Emmanuel Macron’s wife Brigitte Macron, center, and Thalia Besson pose for a selfie during the shooting of episode 407 of ‘Emily in Paris.’

The female protagonist might find it in Marcello this time.

But, how well does Emily know him? Their romance has just started, and more traits of Marcello may be revealed that may change the stance of Emily about love and romance.

I feel the date of Emily and Marcello and their conversation at Fontana di Trevi (the Trevi Fountain) speak of their future or foreshadow possibilities the new romance may take.

Marcello was instructing Emily to throw a coin with her right hand over her left shoulder.

“If you throw one coin, it ensures you return to Rome,” said he about the tradition among foreigners to throw a coin in the fountain and make a wish when reaching the place.

And Emily did.

“If you throw two coins, it means you’ll come back and you’ll have a new romance.”

And then she threw another coin.

“(Throwing) three coins means you come back, fall in love, and get married,” continued Marcello.

Emily paused and decided that they should save some money for lunch, to which Marcello agreed.

What I also enjoy about watching “Emily in Paris” is the takeaway that people make choices in life and love. Like Emily, they should be proud of and unapologetic about what path they tread on.

Yes, a person considers the thoughts, and wisdom of others, but at the end of each season of an individual’s life, he or she should find his or her voice.

With that, our Emily may either take the road more often traveled or the road less traveled, as cliches may put it.

From Paris to Rome, Emily could also bring her adventures to London. Will Alfie still be around for her, or another English guy may appear in the picture?

I’m still rooting for Emily and Gabriel, but her decision still matters. After all, it’s her life.

Good day, buona giornata.