How to help take care of older cats from a vet expert

Doctor Clarissa Porter tells owners how to take care of their older cats as the weather gets cold outside.

MACON, Ga. — We all love our pets but it’s inevitable that they too slow down and grow old. 

Doctor Clarissa Porter from PetSmart veterinary services has advice on how to care for your older cats, especially as it gets colder outside.

Porter herself has a 15-year-old cat named Scout. She says it’s important for owners to take their older cats to their routine vet appointments. 

“It’s beneficial for them to see their veterinarian once to twice a year or twice a year generally. Because you’re able to get ahead of things and be proactive instead of reactive when it comes to certain conditions, ” she said.

Those conditions include diabetes, kidney and liver disease, certain cancers and even arthritis.

“You may notice that your cat isn’t climbing the stairs or jumping on the bed the way they normally would. And so you can get ahead of those conditions and give them medication to alleviate their pain,” Porter said.

Also, getting an orthopedic bed for your cat can help with their arthritis pain, while helping them sleep at night. 

Porter said cats can live for up to 10 years or more, depending on their breed and lifestyle.