Help Shut Down the Calgary Stampede and Protect Rodeo Animals – One Green Planet
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Imagine this: someone tells you they’ve got a new idea for a community event, something that can bring people together to enjoy entertainment, food, and overall good times. Sounds awesome, right? But then they tell you there’s a small caveat: the entertainment will involve tormenting, torturing, injuring, and maybe even killing animals. Suddenly, this new idea to boost the local community and economy seems downright evil. There’s no way anyone would let that happen!
Well, it’s already happening…in the form of rodeos. But because these bloody events started over a century ago, people are letting their cruelty hide behind the mask of “tradition.”
This year, at one particularly gruesome rodeo in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, four animals were injured to the point of death.
Please sign this petition to shut down the Calgary Stampede and protect rodeo animals today!
To continue speaking up, sign these other petitions as well:
Ahisma Sweatshirt By Tiny Rescue: Animal Collection
Easy Ways to Help the Planet:
- Eat Less Meat: Download Food Monster, the largest plant-based Recipe app on the App Store, to help reduce your environmental footprint, save animals and get healthy. You can also buy a hard or soft copy of our favorite vegan cookbooks.
- Adopt-a-Pet: Visit WildWatchers, a watchdog platform specifically designed for animal, earth, and wildlife warriors to actively give back, rescue, and protect animals and the planet.
- Reduce Your Fast Fashion Footprint: Take initiative by standing up against fast fashion Pollution and supporting sustainable and circular brands like Tiny Rescue that raise awareness around important issues through recycled zero-waste clothing designed to be returned and remade repeatedly.
- Support Independent Media: Being publicly funded gives us a greater chance to continue providing high-quality content. Please consider supporting us by donating!
- Sign a Petition: Your voice matters! Help turn petitions into victories by signing the latest list of must-sign petitions to help people, animals, and the planet.
- Stay Informed: Keep up with the latest news and important stories involving animals, the environment, sustainable living, food, health, and human interest topics by subscribing to our newsletter!
- Do What You Can: Reduce waste, plant trees, eat local, travel responsibly, reuse stuff, say no to single-use plastics, recycle, vote smart, switch to cold water laundry, divest from fossil fuels, save water, shop wisely, Donate if you can, grow your food, volunteer, conserve energy, compost, and don’t forget about the microplastics and microbeads lurking in common household and personal care products!