Grab You Joysticks Gamers, David Hasselhoff, And KITT Demand It < NAG

Picture, if you will, David Hasselhoff from Knight Rider and Baywatch fame telling you, a gamer, to care about climate change—well, you don’t have to try and picture it too hard because it’s actually happening, and there is a video to prove it.

Hey gamers, it’s David Hasselhoff.

You know I’ve been on some amazing movie sets,” but my favourite set of all? Planet Earth.

Your play time turns into green time, zapping pollution and healing the Earth one epic item at a time.

So grab your joystick and hit play! – David Hasselhoff

So, to break it down, David Hasselhoff is the face of a brand new campaign called Make Green Tuesday Moves (MGTM). At its core, MGTM is a video game climate change alliance that aims to offer unique DLCs on the first Tuesday of every month using various celebrity endorsements.

According to MGTM themselves:

MGTM will see proceeds from the sale of in-game items—which can comprise new and/or upcycled DLC goods such as characters, costumes and objects—invested into fully certified sustainability projects by not-for-profit digital platform PlanetPlay.

This essentially just means that games will be able to buy the associated DLC and, by doing so, donate to a good cause.

As of this writing, the games involved are titles on the Google Play store like Bowling Club, Hunt Royale, Peridot, and Tile Dynasty, which together boast over 36 million daily players.

As someone who has spent years entertaining audiences around the world, I know the power of influence. Climate change isn’t just a distant threat; it’s here and now.

By joining the Make Green Tuesday Moves initiative, we can turn our everyday gaming into a force for good. Let’s make every play for our planet.

Together, we can create a legacy of sustainability for future generations. Stay cool, stay green, and make a difference! – David Hasselhoff

Honestly, this project is wild and ambitious, but it’s also fun, and fun is especially how you get gamers interested in your cause. Also, if David Hasselhoff, donning his old Knight Rider gear and standing next to everyone’s favourite car, KITT, isn’t enough to make you care about climate change, nothing ever will—you cold-hearted beast.

So now, sit back and enjoy being told why you should grab your joystick like it’s the 1980s—it’s probably not for the reason you’re thinking of.