Can Dogs Really Understand Soundboard Buttons?

Many pet owners dream of having a conversation with their furry friend. While it may seem implausible, some dog owners claim their pets can communicate with them through soundboard buttons. Find out what researchers say about the effectiveness of these modern communication tools.

Soundboard buttons are electronic devices that allow you to record sounds and words and have your pup use them to communicate with you. For example, if your dog wants treats, they press the button “treat” to let you know.

These buttons are famous on social media, with many pet parents showing their dogs communicating with them. According to Scientific American, soundboard buttons cost $20 to over $200, depending on how many buttons you want. Dogs are becoming internet superstars because of these items. For instance, Bunny the Sheepadoodle — a dog with around 1.5 million followers — has learned more than 100 words to communicate with her owner.

However, the question remains — is it scientifically proven that dogs can communicate with humans via buttons? A recent study may provide some answers.

A study by researchers at the University of California at San Diego and other universities found that canines can understand and use soundboard buttons to communicate and respond to owners. The comprehensive research involved visiting 30 dogs’ homes nationwide to test soundboard buttons on different dogs. 

Federico Rossano, co-author of the research, told Newsweek that dogs can react to their owners’ cues. However, there’s still public suspicion about whether canines can understand the words they’re pressing. The experiment found that soundboard button-trained pups responded to words such as “play” and “outside,” regardless of the source. This suggests that your furry friend can process words rather than merely respond to their owners’ presence or body language.

 “Some dog participants use more than 100 buttons, often combining them in nonrandom sequences. We want to show whether it is possible that they can use these buttons reliably, whether they understand the humans when the humans press them and ultimately whether using these buttons is good for the animals.”

On the other hand, some experts remain skeptical about this device. Alexa Horowitz, the director of the Dog Cognition Lab at Barnard College, said via The Washington Post that soundboard buttons may distract humans from the elaborate communication dogs already make.

“My fascination would be if the medium enabled dogs to say something unsayable without the buttons. But it’s unclear that dogs are trying to say things they cannot.”

Clara Wilson, a postdoctoral research fellow in the Working Dog Center at the University of Pennsylvania, echoes the same sentiments. Dogs primarily communicate through body language, so she believes it’s better if humans learn their language. However, she supports using buttons if it helps bridge the gap between owners and their furry friends.

Yes, feel free to join the bandwagon and use these devices if you think they can help you communicate with your pup better. Here are some tips to help teach your dog to use these buttons:

1. Stay Consistent

Ensure you use the same commands, tone of voice and hand motions when training your dog. Choose words your pup hears the most or those associated with common actions, such as walking, going outside or sitting. To make things easier for your pet, start with a single button before introducing them to others.

2. Practice Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is one of the best means of training to develop desired behavior. Reward your canine companion throughout the training process. Push the button every time you and your canine do the thing associated with the button.

For example, if you want your dog to go outside, push the device as you say “outside” then invite them to go out with you. Give them treats every time they succeed.

3. Be Patient

Repeat until your dog finds the connection between the button and the associated activity. When your dog uses the button, praise it and comply with its demands. If your pet remains uninterested, teach them to touch an interesting item — like their favorite toy — with their paw to redirect their attention to the button.

Aside from using soundboard buttons, here are other tips to improve your bond with your dog:

1. Understand Their Point of View

Try to look from your dog’s perspective. Observe their mannerisms, movements and habits. Be aware that most of a canine’s language methods are subtle.

2. Check Your Mood

Some furry friends can pick up on mood changes. The next time you go out for a walk, ensure you’re in the right headspace so your dog feels comfortable.

Dogs are remarkably intelligent canines. If you’re curious about using soundboard buttons, try it with your dog and see how quickly they can learn to use it.

Next. Baby and dog introductions. Baby and dog introductions. dark