Animals Rescued from Deplorable Conditions in Underground Garage
He kept in an underground garage, in terrible conditions and, in some cases, without the necessary certification, a kind of zoo composed of pythons, dogs, parrots, and other birds: the animals were seized by the Carabinieri and their owner was reported.
The operation was carried out in the underground garage of a house in the countryside of Sant’Arpino (Caserta), by the forest Carabinieri of Marcianise, together with those of the Operational and Mobile Radio Unit and the Nipaaf of Caserta, along with the veterinarians of the Asl of Aversa. Inside the premises, lacking an adequate ventilation system, there was a large quantity of animals.
The Animals Found
In detail: two pythons legally held; 35 parrots of the monk parakeet species, considered at risk of extinction and protected by the Cites convention, for which no documentation was provided to justify their legitimate origin and detention; other parrots of various species for which the relevant certificates were produced; four puppies, two chihuahuas and two poodles, which according to the Carabinieri were ‘confined by makeshift obstacles, lacking water and food’; and other various species of birds.
All the animals in question were crammed into the garage, along with various materials: a detention that, in addition to not being authorized by the Asl, was found to be ‘incompatible with the nature of the animals and producing severe suffering‘. Hence the seizure of the animals and the reporting of the man who kept them.