Animal Welfare Activists Report Second Case Of Lactating Dog Separated From Pups, Police Inaction Continues

In a disturbing repeat of a previous incident, local animal welfare activists have reported another case of a lactating female dog being separated from her newborn pups under the guise of neutering. The failure of Bhayandar police to take action following the first incident in April has led to this second case of alleged cruelty, where the dog has not been reunited with her five 45-day-old pups.

Sunish Subramanian, an animal welfare officer associated with ACF & PAWS-Mumbai and the Committee to Monitor Animal Welfare Laws in Maharashtra, has approached the police and filed a complaint. Despite multiple follow-ups, no action has been taken against the wrongdoers. Subramanian emphasisMed the urgency of the situation, as the pups are suffering in the absence of their mother, who they rely on for feeding.

Recalling the first incident in April, Sunish said, “A female dog near Nana-Nani Park was taken by the Municipal Corporation for neutering when her seven pups were just 45 days old. Upon her return, only six of the pups were reunited with their mother, while one went missing.” The security guard at the park had initially confirmed that municipal staff had taken the dog but later changed his statement.

In the latest incident, another female dog, who was previously claimed to be neutered, gave birth to five  pups near the MBMC scrap dumping area. She too was taken away under the guise of neutering, leaving her pups behind. The pups, found in poor condition with rat bites, are being cared for by local animal lovers, but their health is deteriorating in the absence of their mother.

Sunish stressed that if the Bhayandar police had acted promptly and firmly in the first case, this second instance of cruelty could have been prevented. He has since escalated the matter to the DCP of Zone 1 and the Member Secretary of the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA).

An official from Bhayandar police, when contacted, stated that they are aware of the complaint and will look into the matter and take appropriate action. However, local animal welfare activists continue to demand immediate action to prevent further harm to the pups and ensure justice for the animals involved.

The repeated separation of lactating dogs from their pups raises serious concerns about animal welfare and the enforcement of cruelty laws. Local activists are urging stronger measures to protect vulnerable animals from such inhumane treatment.