Always there for your pet´s best care « Euro Weekly News

A veterinarian carefully monitoring a critical patient. Photo Credit, Mallorca Veterinaris Mivet Manacor

We all love our pets and would do anything to help keep them fit and healthy, but where should we turn in sickness or emergency?

Mallorca Veterinaris Mivet, Manacor, opened the doors to its brand-new hospital on March 1 this year, and has provided expert veterinary care for hundreds of cats and dogs over the last seven months, in a continuation of the services the hospital had been providing in its much smaller premises previously. The hospital is the biggest in Mallorca, and comprises of a team of highly skilled and trained vets, nurses and receptionists, dedicated to providing a quality, caring service to both pets and owners alike.

A veterinarian is there to care for your pet 24 hours a day

Veterinary care in Spain is very carefully governed, and in order to be considered a hospital, there must be a veterinarian onsite 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The business must have the complete equipment to be able to offer a full diagnostic and treatment service during consulting hours, as well as a minimum of 3 separate hospitalisation areas, keeping dogs and cats apart. It is also a requirement to have special isolation rooms for infectious cases, in which staff will wear full PPE when entering and caring for the sick animals. The Mallorca Veterinaris Mivet hospital also has a critical care unit in which seriously ill pets will be supplied with oxygen, heat, fluids and medication whilst being carefully monitored by qualified vets and nurses.

Most patients are kept in a range of specially designed kennels which are easily cleaned and adapted to provide accommodation for cats and dogs of all sizes, but the Manacor hospital also has a traditional baby´s cot, for patients whose mobility is limited, in order to facilitate access. These animals include those with neurological issues, extreme weakness, or those that have lost consciousness, and the cot allows much easier handling of the animal, administration of treatments and changing of bedding when necessary.

Offering the best possible care to pets is at the heart of the work the hospital does

Specialist veterinarian and surgeon at the hospital, Oriol Puig Domingo, says that one of the most satisfying aspects of the job is witnessing and being a part of the evolvement of a sick or injured animal to restored health, stating that “the priority of Mallorca Veterinaris Mivet is to offer the highest level of patient care in the hands of trusted professionals”.

Veterinary surgeons aren´t Gods and they can´t work miracles, but rest assured that at Mallorca Veterinaris Mivet Manacor, staff will use their in-depth knowledge of veterinary medicine, skills and experience in order to do all they possibly can to help a sick or injured pet.