Letter to the Editor: World Day for Farmed Animals is Oct. 2 | Opinion

Dear Editor,

Factory farms are destroying the environment and harming animals on a massive scale. Their waste pollutes our water, harms sea life and creates awful conditions for people living nearby. And now, these big U.S. meat companies are moving their operations to developing countries, which will hurt local farmers, food supplies and the environment there, too. It’s like “meat colonialism,” and it’s not okay.

We have to care. This impacts global resources and the lives of people and animals everywhere. On Oct. 2, people across the world will be speaking up for animals on World Day for Farmed Animals. Join in—learn more at dayforanimals.org. I am volunteering this year to hand out vegan food samples.

There are options in every restaurant and grocery store to replace animal products with plant-based foods.

We can all do our part to make a difference.


Dusty Blalock
