Worcestershire gamers invited to explore ‘chilling’ Animal Futures

RSPCA’s initiative, called ‘Animal Futures’, presents five possible scenarios for animal welfare in the county, including robot pets, lab-grown meat, and AI-enabled human-animal communication.

The experience was created by Unseen Studio, a leading creative digital agency, and is based on research commissioned by the animal charity.

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The RSPCA warns that “chilling” futures could lie ahead for animals unless action is taken.

The charity’s CEO, Chris Sherwood, said: “We need to rethink our relationship with animals – whether that be in Worcestershire, across the country, or the wider world.

“We know the fate of animals, whether on farms, labs, in homes or the wild, is inextricably linked to our own.”

The Animal Futures project considers how factors such as climate change, loss of natural habitats, and technological changes could impact animals and people.

Mr Sherwood added: “Some of these worlds may seem bleak, or even downright chilling – the good news is that animals’ futures are in our hands.

“But time is running out.

“Many of the scenarios explored are already happening now.”

The five scenarios presented in Animal Futures are tech-centric, eco carnage, blinkered world, one planet, and animals speak up.

Each scenario tells a different story about what the future could hold for animals, depending on the actions society takes now.

Participants choose an animal companion – a fox, dog, or cow – to guide them through the experience.

They are then asked a series of questions about their habits to see how they could create a better world for all creatures.

The experience is based on a report from futures agency Firetail, commissioned by the charity, which analyses scientific evidence, emerging trends, and interviews with stakeholders from the animal sector and other related sectors.

Mr Sherwood said: “This report demonstrates that without urgent action, we are sleepwalking into a dismal future with irreversible and unintended consequences for all animals, including ourselves.”

The online experience is the first step in the project, with users invited to participate in a national consultation about attitudes to animal welfare later this year.

Visit rspca.org.uk/animalfutures to experience Animal Futures or sign up to have your say.