New retro FPS Hands of Necromancy 2 looks to Heretic for inspiration

Fantasy and gaming often goes hand in hand, with The Witcher, Elder Scrolls, Baldur’s Gate, and Dragon Age being the pillars of the genre. Despite that, fantasy and FPS games often struggle – with only Hexen, Heretic, and Amid Evil really making an impact on the wider world of gaming. Thankfully there are some developers who are still willing to try and crack the fantasy nut, and sequel Hands of Necromancy 2 is here to give it a go.

I’ve mentioned Hexen and Heretic already but the comparison is natural, any look at Hands of Necromancy 2 and you’ll be reminded of both at the same time. It has the spell-slinging action you’d find in the former combined with the multi-hero approach of the latter. Speaking of which, if you’ve played the first in this FPS game series you might be familiar with the titular necromancer but now he’s joined by a female character you can select, each with their own personality and arsenal.

While the fantasy levels and retro vibe of Hands of Necromancy 2 are draws, it’s definitely the magic system that’s the main feature here. You’ll have access to spells from the first game like Tornado, Ring of Ice, and the Unholy Hand Grenade joining new magic abilities like a dagger which drains the life of anyone it touches, a Bracelet of Fire, and the Hell Grenade.

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In addition to all the magic you’ll be tossing about with wild abandon, you’ll also be able to unlock the ability to turn into monstrous creatures yourself. Both characters have access to different transformations, and each of the forms they can take have abilities that help bring the pain to their opponents.

Of course, you do play as a necromancer – look, it’s right in the title of the game – and what necromantic adventure would be complete without a little raising of the dead? In Hands of Necromancy 2 you’ll be able to bring your fallen foes back to life, or un-life, in order to serve you on the battlefield and help you keep your own skin intact.

Hands of Necromancy 2 is out now and as an introductory offer you can save 10% on the title until Monday September 23. Head over to Steam to learn more about the game, and to see if you want to become the next big thing in the world of the undead.

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