False bomb threat in Sto. Tomas school

The Sto. Tomas Police Station confirmed in a dxDC RMN interview that the claim, made by Antony Messa on Facebook, is disinformation.

Messa’s post falsely claimed that a bomb was planted at the school and that intruders disguised as parents were terrorists. He also stated that he had knowledge of the bomb but didn’t participate due to fear.

In response, law enforcement conducted inspections at nearby areas, including Santo Tomas Central Elementary School, Santo Tomas College of Agriculture Sciences and Technology (STCAST), and the local bus terminal. 

The local government suspended classes at all levels to ensure the safety of students, teachers, and staff.

The local authorities advised school administrators to work with them to secure the premises, and students were instructed to avoid the area until the threat was confirmed as cleared.

Bomb jokes are illegal in the Philippines under Presidential Decree No. 1727, which imposes penalties including imprisonment and fines ranging from P40,000 to P200,000 for spreading false information. DEF