From our August Home and Garden publication: Plan now for your fall garden | News

When I was a young girl, I always enjoyed the month of August. There were large family gatherings every weekend, the fireflies that would hover in front of my eyes at dusk made me run and giggle as I caught them, and the bounty of fresh produce that was prevalent in everyone’s garden was prepared into mouth-watering dishes and on our tables.

If you’ve been reading the other articles I’ve penned for this column, then you know that I grew up on a farm in Northern Illinois where corn, alfalfa, and soy beans were grown to feed black angus cattle on my family’s feedlot. In addition to the field crops, every farm had an extensive vegetable garden. My mom, aunts and neighbors would gather at this time of year to harvest the fresh produce, prepare them for canning, and put up enough fruits and vegetables to feed everyone in these families until the next harvest.