About the Statement of the Spox of the Chinese Embassy in PH

ON AUGUST 29, the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines issued a statement of its spokesperson on the Japanese Ambassador’s posting on his X. The argument in the statement contains serious misrepresentations on diverse matters, over which Japan ‘s basic positions have been expressed previously as described in the footnotes. We will not repeat here our positions on each of the points raised as we do not wish to divert attention from the central issue, which is the recent dangerous actions in the South China Sea. The Embassy reiterates Japan’s position on the issue of the South China Sea as follows:

The issue with regard to the South China Sea is directly related to the peace and stability of the region and is a legitimate concern of the international community. As a stakeholder that makes use of the South China Sea, the issue is also an important matter of interest for Japan, which depends on sea transport for most of its resources and energy.

The international community, including Japan, has repeatedly expressed serious concerns over repeated actions in recent days that increase regional tensions. Japan will continue to emphasize the importance of maintaining freedom of navigation and overflight consistent with UNCLOS and reiterate our strong opposition to any unilateral attempts to change the status quo by force or coercion.

Additionally, Japan has pointed out that China’s assertions regarding baselines in the South China Sea are not based on the relevant provisions of UNCLOS and that it is important to protect the freedom of navigation and overflight. UNCLOS sets forth the conditions for the application of baselines in a specific and exhaustive manner, whereas China has failed to invoke the relevant provisions of UNCLOS in asserting the lawfulness of the baselines in question. Japan has pointed out that the Arbitral Tribunal ruled that the “historical rights” based on the “nine-dash line” claimed by China were found to be contrary to UNCLOS and were clearly denied.

Regrettably, China has not changed its position of not accepting the Arbitral Tribunal’s award to the Philippines and China, and has continued to assert maritime claims that are inconsistent with the UNCLOS. Taking this opportunity, Japan refers to Article 296 of UNCLOS, which articulates that any decision rendered by a tribunal having jurisdiction under UNCLOS shall be final and shall be complied with by all the parties to the dispute.

Japan will continue working in coordination with the international community to maintain and strengthen the free and open international order based on the rule of law.