Bacolod honors young swimmer

The Bacolod City Council has approved a resolution congratulating and commending Juancho Mikhael Jamon for winning bronze in the Asian Open Schools Invitation (AOSI) swimming championship held in Bangkok. Thailand on August 17, 2024.

The resolution was authored by Councilor Em Ang, chairperson of the City Council’s committee on history, culture, and arts.

Ang said the City Council has always been recognizing outstanding Bacolodnons in the field of sports.

She said the AOSI swimming championship held in Bangkok on August 17-18, 2024, was participated by over 600 swimmers from 14 Asian countries.

She added that Jamon, 8-year-old, a resident of Barangay 38, and a Grade-3 student at the University of St. La Salle, Bacolod, won bronze in event 238, heat number 2 in the age group of 6, 7, and 8 years old.

Ang noted that Jamon, a son of former Sangguniang Kabataan Federation president and councilor Christine Matus Espinosa, has also competed and won awards in swimming competitions held locally and abroad.

“He is an inspiration to the other young and aspiring athletes of Bacolod City. The people of Bacolod join Jamon and his family in celebrating his achievement,” Ang said./MAP