Davao City pushes sustainable transport; joins MobiliseYourCity

TO DEMONSTRATE its commitment to sustainable mobility, Davao City officially joined the MobiliseYourCity Partnership for Sustainable Transport. By improving mobility for its citizens, Davao aims to achieve multiple benefits for the city including reducing traffic accident rates, improving access to work, schools and hospitals, and improving air quality.

Atty. Tristan Dwight Domingo, Project Manager of the Davao Bus Project and Davao City’s Assistant City Administrator for Administration said that by joining this global partnership, cities can access comprehensive support to develop sustainable, inclusive, and efficient mobility systems.

“Through this membership, Davao City can gain benefits such as technical assistance and expertise, development of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs), and access to funding and resources.”

Domingo added that the membership shows the city’s commitment in materializing its goal—to improve Davao City’s quality of life by providing Dabawenyos with a reliable and better transport and mobility system.

By joining MobiliseYourCity, Davao City is becoming a member of a global community of practice composed of sustainable mobility experts and practitioners from all over the world. Along with more than 70 cities and 16 national governments, Davao has committed to decarbonize transport to fight the global climate crisis. Together, they advocate globally for the resources needed to close the investment gap for sustainable mobility.

MobiliseYourCity offers Davao solutions that allow transformational changes towards more sustainable transport. This contributes to achieving Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11 by making cities more inclusive, safer, more resilient to climate change and sustainable. Specifically, MobiliseYourCity will provide support in the development and implementation of a Sustainable Urban Transport Plan (SUMP), a strategic plan developed in an inclusive and integrated way to meet people and businesses mobility needs and to harmonize and integrate existing planning approaches. In addition, the Partnership will help Davao prepare for potential investment projects in the transport sector and connect to different development funding agencies. CIO

• The MobiliseYourCity Partnership is a global and inclusive network of 72 partner cities in 30 countries, 16 national governments and institutional partners, designed to assist its partners in the development of sustainable urban transport policies.

• A Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan is a strategic plan designed to satisfy the mobility needs of people and businesses in cities and their surroundings for a better quality of life. It builds on existing planning practices and takes due consideration of integration, participation, and evaluation principle.