Nintendo Runs Out Of Replacement Parts For New 3DS, Ends Repairs In Japan

@PinderSchloss That really sucks. And you have every right to “keep repeating” it. That sounds like something worth complaining about. Unlike you’re earlier comment tbh.

I haven’t had issues (yet) with the newer colours, so maybe you can keep an eye out for discounts on these. Amazon has them regularly, and elsewhere too. Or maybe somebody can buy a pair for you (for a special occasion) so that you don’t have to buy it yourself. Or ask your friends to pool money together for a bday. There’s also other cheaper brands.
I don’t play only in handheld mode, but it certainly is a great way to play, and sharing joycons is always fun when it happens on the moment.

I would recommend solving this one way or the other so that you can enjoy your Switch even more and also lose this grudge, it must not be nice to have to think of negative stuff all the time.