Garden Notes: Aug. 28, 2024

Upcoming programs at Berkshire Botanical Garden

STOCKBRIDGE – Berkshire Botanical Garden presents the following upcoming programs. Tuesdays, Sept. 3 through 24 from 5:30 to 8 p.m., “Herbaceous Plants.” This intensive four-session class explores the world of herbaceous plants, from their identification, selection and use in the garden through their basic botany, life cycle, and propagation. Participants are asked to create a final project highlighting by genus or plant family related to the curriculum. As part of the Level 1 horticulture core curriculum, this class is essential for the committed gardener and includes lectures, hands-on activities and field study, and group discussion. The class aspires to give participants a deeper understanding of annuals, perennials, and ornamental vegetables and their role in the garden. Advance registration is required. Cost is $215 members, $240 nonmembers; Saturdays, Sept. 7 through 28, 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. “Drafting for Garden Design.” This four-week studio intensive course will help students to develop a scaled plan. Learn basic drafting skills necessary to record and effectively communicate scaled site plans. The course will cover reference books, drafting supplies, media/paper types, line weights, lettering and scale reading. Drafting demonstrations will familiarize students with professional drawing techniques, and students will begin to draft basic site plans and explore map-making. During the last half of the course, students will learn to develop a landscape graphic palette to illustrate trees, shrubs, perennials and groundcovers, as well as hardscape materials such as stone terraces. Taught by Tom Smith of Springfield Technical Community College. Cost is $215 members, $240 nonmembers. To register or for more information, visit Berkshire Botanical Garden is located at 5 West Stockbridge Road.

Agawam Garden Club meeting

AGAWAM – The next meeting of the Agawam Garden Club will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 10, 6:30 p.m. at the Agawam Public Library, 750 Cooper St. After a short business meeting Dan Ziomek will present a program on hydrangeas. All meetings are open to the public and not restricted to Agawam residents.

West Springfield Garden Club plant swap

WEST SPRINGFIELD – The West Springfield Garden Club will hold their plant swap on Sunday, Sept. 15, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Mittineague Park-across from Santa’s House. This bring a plant, take a plant event, done on the honor system, will also include a few give aways. Bring disease free perennials, house plants, and small shrubs. Please bring your plants potted and labeled. RSVP by emailing with info on the plants you might be brining or if you have questions.

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