Celebrate by helping homeless animals

RAPID CITY, S.D. (KOTA) – Here’s to man’s best friend! Although every day is a great day to celebrate your dog, give them extra love Monday because August 26 is National Dog Day.

The celebration started in 2004 to recognize how many dogs need to be rescued each year.

The Humane Society of the Black Hills takes in about 11 animals per day, which equals about 4,000 animals annually. Only about half of those animals end up getting adopted.

Caitlin Ausmann-Winn, the community development manager for the Humane Society of the Black Hills, says National Dog Day is a great way to spread the word about the many shelter animals waiting for a loving home.

“When you adopt from a rescue or a humane society, you get that feel-good feeling; you know you’re helping an animal in need, and you’re helping your community because, as we talked about, we take in 4,000 animals every year, and our community is the people adopting,” Ausmann-Winn said.

For people who are unable to adopt, the shelter also accepts donations and looks for volunteers to care for the animals.

To view available dogs or learn more about adoption, click here or stop by the shelter at 1820 E Saint Patrick St, Rapid City, SD 57703.

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