Cat care tips for pet parents amid season change and pollution concerns

As winter approaches and days turn shorter, your feline friend may need extra care and attention from you. The sudden drop in mercury can put your cat at risk of catching cold and make them a bit inactive and sluggish. Severe pollution levels in Delhi-NCR can affect your kitty’s respiratory health further and you must keep her indoors to minimise exposure to pollutants. A nutritious diet, an interesting set of activities at home, cosy surroundings can all help your cat cope with the changing season as well as pollution hazards. (Also read | 7 foods to boost your pet’s immunity in pollution season)

It is very important that pet parents take special care of their cats in this changing weather. Watch your pets closely and be alert to any slight change in their behaviour(Freepik)
It is very important that pet parents take special care of their cats in this changing weather. Watch your pets closely and be alert to any slight change in their behaviour(Freepik)

“The winter months of November and December are as challenging for our pets as it is for us, humans. The temperature suddenly plummets, and the air pollution increases, especially after the festive season. Both these conditions add to the health hazards of our pets and cats in particular. It is very important that pet parents take special care of their cats in this changing weather. Watch your pets closely and be alert to any slight change in their behaviour. Since the discomfort may be very mild in the beginning, it is important for pet parents to be extra alert during the changing season. We bring you a few essential tips that will help you take good care of your pets and help them wade through the season change and severe pollution with ease,” says Dr Bhanu Dev Sharma, Co-CMO & Co-CCO at MaxPetZ in an interview with HT Digital.

Dr Sharma shares cat care tips for pet parents as winter approaches:

1. Keep your cat indoors

With pollution, it is best to keep your cats away from outdoor pollution. The AQI during this changing season gets ‘severe’, so it is best to keep your pet indoors with the doors and windows mostly closed. Air pollution is hazardous for cats as it can give rise to irritation of the eyes and nose. Severe air pollution can affect their pulmonary health and also give rise to skin conditions. So, it is best to keep your pets indoors and not expose them to pollution.

2. Keep them warm

The sudden change in temperature can make cats very sluggish. The early morning and night temperature can cause the cats to catch cold. It is advisable to keep your home warm, especially during the nights when the temperature plummets. When the temperature starts getting low, start using heaters to keep the air warm. Also, keep the sleeping area of your cat covered with blankets, this will help your pet stay warm even in cold temperatures.

3. Improve their diet

As winter approaches, special care needs to be taken with regard to the diet of your pet. You can also consult your veterinarian and start including some multivitamins in your pet’s regular diet. Vitamins will help improve your cat’s immunity and help him/her face the changing weather. The diet also needs to be more nutritious and varied so that the pet is able to meet all its vitamin and nutrient requirements. Keep your pet well-fed with small portions spread throughout the day.

4. Vacuum your houses

Winter and air pollution combined are hazardous health conditions for your cat. This might lead to heavy breathing and infections of various kinds. It is hence very important to keep your homes pollutant and dirt-free. Use a high-quality vacuum to keep small dust particles at bay. This will protect your cat from infections, respiratory problems, and dust allergies.

5. Exercise must go on

While it is not safe for your pet to venture outdoors, it is also important that they get to move around enough inside the house. Keep them mobile and indulge them in light exercises such as playing with a ball or having them chase their favourite toys. Be alert in case they are alarmingly sluggish or quiet. It is important that the cat stays agile during most of the daytime.

6. Keep them hydrated

The pet might be following a nutritious diet, but if they are not having enough water in the winter months, that too can lead to a lot of health issues. So, it is important to keep a close watch on the water intake of your pet. If the cat does not have the required amount of water add enough milk to their fluid intake. Fluids are equally important to keep your pet healthy, especially in this changing weather when the cat might not feel thirsty as compared to the summer months.