Pet care tips: Ways to protect your cat from worms

Sep 17, 2022 02:55 PM IST

A good worming routine is all part of being a responsible cat owner and it’s vital to protect your cat or kitten from worms. Check out important tips to protect your cat from worms.

Fleas, lice, worms, and protozoa are examples of parasitic critters that can live on or within your body and eat nutrients from you in order to survive. It’s crucial to prevent any family members from contracting these critters because parasites can affect a wide range of species, including people, cats, and dogs, and some can even spread between species. It can be hard to tell when your cat has worms because most adult cat worms live in your pets’ intestines and detecting them would need a microscopic examination. That’s one of the reasons why it’s so important to use regular preventative treatment to make sure your cat doesn’t get a nasty infection. (Also read: International Cat Day: 5 ways to pamper your feline friend )

Pet care tips: Ways to protect your cat from worms(Pixabay)
Pet care tips: Ways to protect your cat from worms(Pixabay)

“Kittens will be exposed to worms from any eggs their mother sheds, there are even some worms that are passed to the kitten through their mother’s milk. Fleas carry tapeworm eggs, these tapeworms readily attach themselves to the kitten’s intestine and can cause a range of issues from diarrhea, and malabsorption to complete intestinal obstruction. Using the best flea treatment for your cat will help to prevent fleas and worms from targeting a litter of kittens” says Lindsay Rose, Head Veterinarian at Protect My Pet, she further suggested important ways to protect your cat from worms.

  • Make sure your pet’s worming treatment is up to date

There are many ways your pet can become infected with intestinal worms. Eating uncooked meat increases the risk of contamination. If your pet is fed a raw diet or is a hunter, then it is particularly important to ensure their worming treatment is up to date.

  • Choose a worming treatment that kills all four types of worms

“In cats, there are four common types of intestinal worms: roundworms, tapeworms, hookworms and whipworms.” You should choose a worming treatment that kills all four of these worms.

  • Use a regular preventative treatment

The symptoms of intestinal cat worms include diarrhea, vomiting, weight loss, lethargy and a poor coat. It is recommended that you use regular preventative treatment to ensure that your cat is not affected.

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