Katz Tales: House cat Target proves he is king of the house

This month is a happy one for us, because Target celebrates his 17th Gotcha Day on Oct 25.

We think of it as a minor miracle because this time last year, we were terrified about putting Target on a plane as part of our move from Malaysia to England. Thankfully, our intrepid orange is currently cleaning his whiskers after bullying us into handing over second breakfast.

Target is a true Malaysian boy. He is outgoing, cheerful, and fond of adventure. In fact, he’s been extra chipper since the move.

Playing with rope: Target 17 years ago.Playing with rope: Target 17 years ago.

At 17, Target is about 84 human years old. Most elderly cats are a bit stiff, but Target got into an accident about 10 years ago where he dislocated his paw.

He was treated by the amazing Dr Puah in Kuantan and, thanks to that, the paw was rehabilitated. However, Target walks with a slight limp.

We thought tropical balm would be healing but we were wrong: England’s much cooler climate suits Target down to the ground. He is jumping up easier, playing wild games with Inkie, and racing Tic Tac up and down the stairs.

Our hearts are full of gratitude for seeing our Target full of vim. Being a smart cat, he knows how we feel and he takes full advantage. We indulge him with super expensive imported tuna for cats, and he gets the prime spot on the sofa and my pillow.

Target also has a heart of gold, and it shows in how he treats his companion cats.

Inkie adores the old man, and Target indulges the big kitten with wild games of race and chase. He also allows Inkie to cuddle next to him in bed, and gives him kisses before naps.

That patient indulgence surprises me a little, given that Target in his youth was a street swaggering thug. Fighting involves a mental factor and Target can channel the soul of a ninja warrior.

Not only did he see off all the tomcats who dared tread into his territory, but this time last year, Target was all set to challenge Polo, our neighbour Malamut. The fact that Polo would have eaten him in a bite didn’t bother Target at all.

At home, Target retains his Don Corleone status. Inkie may outweigh our orange by 4kg but on the rare occasion that he tries to bully the old boy off a comfy pillow or away from a treat, Target simply gives him a hard stare and half-raises a paw. It’s a power move; Inkie backs off immediately.

Target is 17 years old and making the most of his seniority. Photos: Ellen WhyteTarget is 17 years old and making the most of his seniority. Photos: Ellen Whyte

Tic Tac is the exception. Our princess has a gift for bringing out Target’s soft side. When she was a kitten, Target played with her. He also taught her to wrestle and to fight dirty.

When Tic Tac wrestles with Inkie, our big boy knows he has to play nice. If he tries to be rough, our featherlight girl has a way of slipping under him, rolling him over and then biting his neck until he surrenders.

Surprisingly, though, our little princess tends to overgroom. As she only fusses in places where the vet has shaved her, we think she has sensitive skin and that the feel of the fur growing back irritates her.

Last year, when still in Malaysia, she was worrying her shoulders where the vet put the microchip. Wearing her harness for a few days allowed the fur to grow back. She hasn’t worried it since.

Also, her tummy fur hasn’t grown back properly since she was spayed four years ago. As it wasn’t bothersome, we just left it. However, after the vet shaved her front paws for the Nipah virus test last October, she began overlicking.

Applying Wound Gard, a nasty-tasting liquid, didn’t work. We tried covering the area in specialist vet bandage but she got that off in less than a second.

If it was just a bit of hairless skin, we’d let her be. But Tic Tac began gnawing. Worrying about wounds and infection, we bought a no-lick harness that covers her front paws.

There are no pants for cats (entrepreneurs, take note!) so we got one for small dogs and turned up the cuffs.

It’s been four days and it’s working, but of course Tic Tac is a little frustrated. Thankfully, she can climb up and down the sofa, the stairs, and the litterbox. She can also lick her toes, and clean her face and ears. However, she doesn’t like wearing pants.

Seeing her frustration, Target has been angelic. On the first day, he’d sit by her and lick her forehead briefly. It was sweet and Tic Tac was grateful for the support.

Target kissing Tic Tac.Target kissing Tic Tac.

We patted her too, and assured her that while she’s wearing pants, she gets triple treats. Also, we serve her snacks on the sofa if she feels she doesn’t want to walk to the kitchen.

Tic Tac needed the fuss but, as she became more comfortable, she perked up and began to milk the situation. The second she wielded her huge blue eyes and aimed kitten meeps at us, we were filled with relief. She’s playing us, and given our guilt, we spoil her even more.

Target seemed to be buying into Tic Tac’s martyr act too. He spent time kissing her and gave her the odd lick around the ears.

But cats are smart and they have a wicked sense of humour.

Last night, on the fourth day, Target lay next to Tic Tac and gave her the customary kisses. Then, when she purred, we were surprised to see our old boy industriously cleaning her ears, forehead, face, whiskers and finally, her neck.

Tic Tac lay on the sofa, purring up a storm. Her blue eyes half shut, laying back in complete abandon, the message that she is a traumatised, persecuted kitten was unmistakable.

Target purred, licked and then, just as we all melted at the sweetness of it, he bit her neck. Tic Tac sat up, eyes blazing, and we were set to intervene when we realised that the old boy was laughing.

Target walked off and ever since then, when he’s stopped to give Tic Tac a kiss, she’s half purring and half narrow-eyed, not certain if he’s going to nip or not.

Target may have a few extra naps under his belt, but he continues to keep his friends Inkie and Tic Tac on their toes – because being the king of the house never gets old!

Adopt Me

Tabbie was born end July 2023. This little lady is healthy, fully vaccinated, and spayed. Tabbie is very active and very nicely rounded. She is very friendly and loves to play with toys.

Photo: SPCA Penang/Lily LengPhoto: SPCA Penang/Lily Leng

Interested adopters, please contact SPCA Penang, Jalan Jeti Jelutong, 11600 Jelutong, Penang (phone: 04-281 6559/ website https://spca-penang.net).