The Scariest Animal Mustations In Zoochosis

In the survivor horror game Zoochosis, you are Paul Connelly, the new zookeeper who’s trying to tend to the animals under your care while protecting them from a hideous threat. An unknown parasitic organism has infected the animals, transforming them into savage monsters out for flesh.

There are several species you can encounter and interact with, and once you manage to identify the infected animal, it doesn’t take long for the poor creature to mutate into a horrific new form. Different animals mutate in different ways, and the way they morph brings to mind the monstrous forms of the Thing. But which one is the best (or worst)?

8 Emperor Penguin

Flying Terror

The Emperor Penguin monster stalking after prey in Zoochosis.

When stuck in the penguin exhibit, this horrific monster would appear with the ability to fly around and zip across the icy exhibit. When it lands, it’ll stalk after you or the other penguins to attack.

This monstrous form is characterized by flippers turned into bat-like wings and legs that are fully extended. Its head is split in four ways like a nasty flower mouth lined with razor-sharp teeth. It’s reminiscent of when the husky’s head opened up from John Carpenter’s The Thing.

7 Wallaby

Pouch-Mouth Nightmare

The Wallaby mutant feasting on the body of a normal wallaby in Zoochosis.

In the Marsupial exhibit, infected wallabies have lanky limbs and a full mutated line of teeth in their mouths. The most disturbing part of its anatomy is the pouch becomes a second set of large jaws, which it can use to attack and eat, alongside the original head.

This monster can jump around, navigate the walls of the enclosure, and creep around on four legs when escaping your shots or stalking to attack the other animals. The wallaby starts to showcase how the parasite transforms its hosts in some horrific combinations that make Umbrella’s Bioweapons seem like a petting zoo.

6 Zebra

Backward Mutation

The Zebra mutant stalking a normal zebra in Zoochosis.

The mutation of the Zebra is one of the most bizarre and grotesque of the monsters present. It’s as if the entire beast has been twisted to go the opposite way. It gallops in reverse of its original leg joints, tentacles sprout on its back, and the former head of the animal droops lifelessly on the ground.

However, in a disturbing twist of altering the anatomy of its host, the parasite’s new mouth took the place of the host’s rear. The old head droops on the ground with evacuated bowels hanging from its lifeless mouth. Beware when this monster lunges at you. It won’t be pleasant.

5 Moose

Antler Mayhem

The mutated moose from the Zoochosis horror game.

In the moose exhibit, the infected animal emerges as a flayed-headed horror with a nasty trick. Its body splits in the middle, unveiling a row of teeth as though the moose’s back has become a massive maw. The flayed skull of the monster seems to be a trademark part of the parasite’s mutations.

The mutated moose also has a bizarre ability from its antlers. The twisted antlers can emit energy that interferes with the camera feed on your POV, rendering you unable to focus and aim your gun at the rampaging monster. The intensity of the static feed can leave you vulnerable to a charge attack.

4 Gorilla

Horror Maw

A roaring mutated Gorilla in Zoochosis.

The Gorilla monster is as scary as it is unnervingly gross. This beast looks like they came out of an Umbrella facility in Resident Evil. The head and back of the ape peeled away to be a massive mouth while several eyes erupted from what remained of the barely recognizable skull.

Despite this bulky mutation, the monster is quite agile and can catch unexpected prey off guard. The gorilla monster has a very striking appearance and can make a startling first impression on you once you enter the enclosure.

3 Hippopotamus

Burrowing Maw

A full head-on mutant Hippopotamus in Zoochosis.

Hippos are already animals you should be wary of in general. Once one of them becomes infected with the parasite, it becomes a whole new terrifying situation. Being one of the larger animals in this mad scientist zoo, the mutated Hippo brings to mind monsters from Half-Life.


One of the most striking parts of its transformation is the jaws, which have changed to become a multi-spiked mandible-like maw similar to the Antlions from Half-Life. The back and feet of the Hippo are flayed down to the bones, and for some reason, these mutations make the parasitized Hippos capable of burrowing underground and lunging out for attacks.

2 Elephant

Armored Tentacled Goliath

A roaring mutant Elephant in Zoochosis.

The biggest animal in Zoochosis and also the largest pain to deal with. The Elephant monsters are massive juggernauts that generate armor plating on their backs and sides that stay around unless you manage to bait the beast into charging into a wall, stunning them for a while.

The most striking transformation of the Elephant monster is what happened to the animal’s trunk. In a striking way, that gives the likeness of the eldritch monster, Cthulhu; the trunk was tested and torn into becoming a mass of tentacles, giving the monster an Elder God sort of appearance.

1 Giraffe

Lanky Spider Demon

A monstrous Giraffe, creeping its way towards you in Zoochosis.

The first creature introduced for Zoochosis and the most advertised. It’s also arguably the most disturbing of the lot. The giraffe’s monstrous appearance showcased the destruction of the animal’s body and how the parasite twists them for adaptability.

The giraffe’s head and top third of its neck become a large mouth with razor teeth and an even more elongated tongue. Spider-like legs erupt from its belly, combining with the original legs to give the monstrous beast a sprawling gait as it stalks and pursues its prey.