Pages: Playing to win

“BUNNY, instead of worrying about your expenses, why don’t you worry about your income?”

That single piece of advice from Jun Moya, a successful lawyer in Bacolod, was a turning point in my life. Back then, I was just starting as a life insurance agent with Manulife. And, like many rookies, I was focused on keeping costs down, juggling bills and simply trying to stay afloat. But with that one statement, everything changed. My mindset shifted from one of surviving to thriving. I stopped focusing on scarcity and started focusing on growth.

To embody that paradigm shift, I made bold moves. I bought a Mercedes Benz to elevate my image and confidence when dealing with wealthy prospects and later built a house for my growing family in Negros. These were not impulsive purchases, but calculated risks. I had to borrow money from the bank to finance them, but those financial commitments sharpened my focus, kept me motivated and made me think big. The pressure of paying those loans was not a burden but a powerful incentive to perform better, earn more and continue moving forward.

This was a game changer—not just for my financial situation, but for how I approached life and business.

This is what I now call “playing to win.” It’s about being on the offense rather than the defense. Real success comes when you stop playing not to lose and start playing to win.

As I began to embrace this new mindset, I discovered the power of the law of attraction. So, I thought, why not focus on winning? I channeled my energy toward positive outcomes and trusted in my ability to achieve them, and soon, the results followed. I felt lighter, more optimistic and empowered about the future.

This shift in mindset is relevant to everyone, especially business owners and professionals. We all face moments where we can either dwell on what we lack or shift our focus to the vast potential ahead. Success, growth and new opportunities are always within reach—but only if we embrace a mindset of abundance rather than scarcity.

That’s the mindset I’ve carried with me for the past 40 years, and it’s how I plan to live the rest of my days. It’s the reason my family continues to expand our businesses. Whether it’s opening new restaurants or adding more Thirsty outlets, the focus has always been on creating value, staying on offense and attracting abundance.

So, the next time you’re faced with a decision or challenge, ask yourself: Am I playing not to lose, or am I playing to win? Your answer could change everything.