Dog survives fall from highway overpass onto moving car during rush hour traffic

SEATTLE (KIRO) – A dog is now safe at home with its owner after miraculously surviving a fall off a highway overpass and onto a moving car earlier this week.

The incident happened on Thursday in the Seattle area on Interstate 5 during rush hour traffic.

“It was kind of slow traffic and then all of a sudden [the dog] just landed on top of my windshield,” driver Peregrin Jones said. “I had no heads up or anything.”

Jones was driving under the overpass on I-5 when the dog suddenly came crashing down.

“It was so bizarre that I couldn’t even really even comprehend what was happening because all of a sudden there was a dog on the front of my car,” he said.

According to Jones, he pulled over immediately, finding the dog upright and most importantly alive.

“It [the dog] was very calm as long as I was there and it seemed interested in just staying put on the windshield, protecting itself,” Jones said.

The surprised driver said other drivers also hopped out to get the dog medical attention.

Despite the major damage to his car, Jones said he was not hurt thanks to the slow-moving traffic and a strong windshield.

“It [the dog] would’ve come down right in my lap had the windshield not held,” he said.

The dog, whose name is Skye, was taken to a veterinary medical center after the fall. She didn’t have any serious injuries and was later released to her owner.

Washington State Patrol is investigating how the pup fell from the overpass.