Have You Ever Spent Money on a Mobile Game?

Have You Ever Rooted or Jailbroken a Phone?

Back in the earlier days of Android and iOS, rooting and jailbreaking (respectively) were fairly popular ways to add more features to the OS and remove limitations set by the manufacturer. However, these practices have fallen out of favor due to many of these root-only features being added to the stock OS and efforts to make such exploits further.

Have you rooted or jailbroken a phone, and if so, how long ago did you last do it? I rooted one of my first Android phones because I wanted to make changes that weren’t possible without it, but I never did it again except on a little-used tablet. It wasn’t worth the hassle that it introduces for updates and breaking certain apps.

Do You Still Pay for Microsoft Office?

Microsoft Office is the world’s standard for documents and spreadsheets, but that doesn’t mean it’s your only option. Google’s suite of office apps is available for free online, as are Microsoft’s own free Office Online apps. That’s not to mention other desktop tools like LibreOffice and Apple’s iWork suite. With all these options, do you still pay for Microsoft Office? Why or why not?

I’ve never had my own Office subscription; I had one in college and then through my first full-time job. Once that expired, I never felt the need to pay for the full Office experience. I use LibreOffice to open docs on my desktop, and prefer Google Docs when I’m making my own.

How Often Do You Uninstall Unused Apps on Your Devices?

Most of us have apps on our devices we never use—maybe we installed them with good intentions and then forgot about them. Do you tend to clean up these unused apps on a schedule, or do you only clear them out when you’re critically low on space?

I have enough space on my devices that I don’t often run low, so I remove old apps when it comes to mind. Sometimes I’ll see one, realize I haven’t used it in forever, and then go on a little spree of removing apps I don’t need.

What Would It Take for You to Stop Using Google Chrome?

Google Chrome is far and away the most popular browser in the world. While it has a lot to offer, any app that becomes so dominant can build up problems over time, too. If you use Chrome, what would it take for you to start using another browser? And if you’ve tried to switch and couldn’t, what stopped you?

I’ve downloaded alternate browsers with the intent of switching before, but I get lazy about properly setting them up, so I end up sticking with Chrome since it’s what I know. So it’s mostly inertia keeping me in the Chrome ecosystem.

How Often Do You Change Your Computer Wallpaper?

Thanks to the wealth of resources online, it’s easy to have dozens or hundreds of great wallpapers on standby. Every modern desktop OS also makes it easy to shuffle through an album of wallpapers at set intervals. How often do you change your computer’s wallpaper—and for that matter, the wallpaper on your phone? Do you have it change on a schedule, or only when you think about it?

On my computer, I have an album with hundreds of wallpapers that change every 10 minutes. For my phone, I tend to keep the same wallpaper until I get tired of it, then I go hunting for something new.

What Do You Most Often Use AI For?

There are lots of uses in AI, especially with it being inserted into every app imaginable. What do you most often go to AI for? Maybe it’s reviewing text to make it more concise, quickly doing research, generating wallpapers, or something else.

I almost never use AI, so I don’t have a take on this one.