A smart solution for modern pet care

As a pet owner, managing your cat’s litter box is one of the most tedious and unpleasant chores. However, Neakasa has made life easier with the Neakasa M1 Automatic Cat Litter Box. This device takes the hassle out of daily scooping while addressing common frustrations like odour control and space limitations, and it does so with a cat-friendly design. After weeks of testing, I can confidently say that the Neakasa M1 is a welcome addition to modern pet care.

Many automatic litter boxes on the market use an enclosed design, which can be uncomfortable or even anxiety-inducing for some cats. Neakasa takes a different approach by providing an open, spacious environment. Not only does this make it easier for larger cats (up to 15kg) to use comfortably, but it also prevents the issue of cats feeling trapped or stuck. I was pleasantly surprised at how quickly my cat took to the M1. Of course, she was curious but had no problem entering the box to do the necessaries.

Hassle-free waste disposal and odour control

Another common problem with traditional litter boxes is odour. I’ve been using wood pellets, which reduced the amount of odour compared to standard litter, but cats can be fussy about how rough it feels and don’t like pushing their paws through it. The M1 requires a more typical litter product, although it has to be of the clumping variety.

The M1 tackles odour with its 3-second “pull and wrap” waste disposal system. The waste is sealed in seconds, effectively trapping odours and keeping the surrounding area fresh. After testing it for the last six weeks, I was impressed by how well it maintained a clean environment, even after multiple uses. After your cat has done its business, there will be a smell until the M1 goes through its cleaning routine, but there’s no lingering smell once the cleaning cycle is complete.

Neakasa claims a 14-day full-care system. The M1’s large waste bin allows you to go up to two weeks without worrying about emptying it, which is perfect for busy pet owners or frequent travellers. I did my testing on a small cat, less than 3kg. I waited until the M1 notified me it was time to empty the litter, which took almost four weeks. How often you’ll need to empty the waste will depend on how many and the size of your cats. I appreciated the ability to check the box’s status remotely, especially during busy days or while travelling.

In addition, the app integration allows for real-time monitoring of your cat’s litter box activity. The app notifies you when it’s time to refill the litter or empty the waste bin, making it a truly hands-off experience.

Cat health insights and real-time monitoring

The M1 also offers health insights for your cat by monitoring your pet’s bathroom habits via the app available for iOS and Android. It can be a valuable tool for detecting early signs of health issues. The M1’s open design makes observing changes in behaviour or waste patterns easy. It can detect when the cat enters the box, its weight and for how long.

Ease of use

With a one-button litter clearance system, cleaning the box is as simple as pressing a button — no more manual scooping or dealing with dirty litter. However, I used the automated feature, which waits around five minutes after the cat has left the box and then starts cleaning it. It works by rotating the top section of the M1, which is designed like an open barrel. At the back of the barrel, a large grid allows the litter to fall through as it rotates. When it reaches the end of the rotation, the clumped litter will fall directly into the sealed waste tray on the base. It will then rotate back where the clean litter will renter the box through the grille.

Thanks to the detachable design, refilling the litter is also straightforward. You can quickly remove and clean the components, making maintenance a breeze. The system even alerts you when to add more litter, so you never have to guess. Apart from the fantastic convenience, I found I used way less litter. There’s very little mess around the box, too, although your cat may be more aggressive than mine while digging through the litter and scattering more.

The M1 needs to be plugged into an outlet, which might limit where you can place it. Additionally, it’s larger than a standard litter box, so you’ll need more space for it. The M1 is a practical choice since my cat stays indoors. If multiple cats frequently use a litter box, the M1 becomes an even more sensible option.


The Neakasa M1 automatic cat litter box is more than just a convenience — it’s a smart, efficient solution for modern cat owners. Its open-top design is a win for feline comfort, while the odourless waste disposal and long-lasting waste bin make it a low-maintenance option for busy households. The biggest downside is the upfront cost, but it is worth it for those who hate the smell and work involved in standard litter boxes.

Neakasa M1 €500  Neakasa