Wheaton Garden Club to host flower show Oct. 3-4

Graphic design by Jane Kellenberger

The Wheaton Garden Club presents “Birdland,” a standard flower show, on Oct. 3-4 at the Wheaton Public Library.

Floral designs, created by Wheaton Garden Club members, reflect the following themes:

• “The Early Bird“

• “The Little Rooster”

• “Birds of Paradise”

• “Proud as a Peacock”

• “Winging It”

The horticultural display, “Birds and the Bees,” will exhibit a large variety of specimens of shrubs, trees, flowers, and plants from Wheaton Garden Club members’ gardens.

Special exhibits will focus on “Prairie Plants of the Midwest,” “Butterflies in the Garden,” “Monarch Way Stations,” “Wheaton Garden Club Pollinator Garden,” and “Canada Goose People Problems.”

“Birdland” is free and open to the public on Thursday from 1 to 9 p.m. and on Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at library, 225 N. Cross St.

Wheaton Garden Club members will be available to provide information and answer your questions.

Visit wheatongardenclub.org for additional information about the Wheaton Garden Club.