8 Heaviest Animals On Earth

Blue Whale:

Whales are the heaviest and longest-living animals present on Earth. The Bowhead whale is the longest-living, with a lifespan of around 200 years and weighs around 130,000 to 150,000 kg.


Elephants are the largest land animals and can weigh from 11.5 tons to 12.25 tons. However Asian elephants are smaller (around 8 tons) and can be trained, while African elephants are bigger but can’t be trained but both are endangered.


Rhinoceroses are really big and heavy, with most weighing around 4.5 tons. They have thick folds of skin on their backs, shoulders, and bottoms. Indian rhinos are a bit lighter, weighing around 4 tons.

Plankton Feeding Sharks:

The whale shark is actually a huge fish, weighing up to 20 tons. They are harmless to humans and eat tiny plankton by swimming with their huge mouths open and suck in the plankton, without even swallowing.


Hippos are large, plant-eating animals that live in water. They may look cute, but are actually very dangerous. They weigh as much as 4.5 tons and have extremely powerful teeth that can crush bones.


Giraffes are the tallest animals, and some are also the heaviest (around 2 tons). Their long necks and legs make them special, but also create a problem of very high blood pressure.

Saltwater Crocodile:

The saltwater crocodile is the biggest and heaviest, weighing around 1.45 tons. The Nile crocodile is smaller, weighing around 1.2 tons. Saltwater crocodiles are fierce hunters and will eat almost anything they can catch.