50 Podcast Name Ideas for Small-Business Podcasts (2024)

Podcasting is an engaging and an effective platform to share industry insights, showcase expertise, and exchange ideas.

If you’re starting a podcast to grow your business or connect with innovative people, picking the right name is key to attracting your target audience. But as anyone who has named a business will know, finding the perfect name is challenging. 

In this article, we’ll go over the different types of business podcasts, look at example names, and cover tips for finding the perfect title for your budding show. 

50 business podcast name ideas

Your podcast name will depend on the type of business podcast you produce. Here are five different categories of business podcasts to consider, along with name ideas:

CEO monologue

A CEO monologue podcast is exactly what it sounds like; it’s a podcast in which a CEO or other business leader shares their insights and experiences. This is often a solo show that allows the CEO to address listeners directly, although sometimes the host may opt to invite guests and cohosts to join them. The Diary of a CEO with Steven Bartlett is a notable example. 

Here are a few creative podcast names for a CEO monologue podcast:

1. Executive Insights

2. Boardroom Broadcast

3. CEO Soapbox

4. Who Is [CEO Name]?

5. In My Business

6. Founder Monologues

7. Running [Company Name]

8. How to Run a [Industry] Business

9. Walk and Talk with [CEO Name]

10. Founder Forum

Interview style

In an interview-style business podcast, a host or cohosts—who can be industry professionals, comedians, journalists, or anyone interested in learning about business—invite entrepreneurs, industry experts, and business leaders onto their show. The ensuing interviews can be about the guest’s area of expertise or they can be more personal. 

The host of one such podcast, Entrepreneurs on Fire, has interviewed famous guests including leadership coach Tony Robbins and investor and media personality Barbara Corcoran.

Consider these 10 unique podcast name ideas for an interview-style business show:

11. Let’s Take This Online

12. Corporate Jargon

13. Word on the Watercooler

14. Leadership Lounge

15. Innovator One-on-Ones

16. Elevator Pitches IRL

17. Corporate Conversations

18. Entrepreneurs Explain It All

19. Tradesmen Talks

20. The Empowered Executive

Shopify Masters: The ecommerce podcast for ambitious entrepreneurs

Shopify Masters is a business podcast powered by Shopify where successful entrepreneurs and experts share their marketing and sales experience with inspirational stories.

Learn from leaders


An educational business podcast aims to inform and educate listeners about business topics. These shows can cover subjects ranging from how to achieve work-life balance to how to start a business

Education business podcast The $100 MBA Show, for example, has published episodes on topics ranging from how to identify your target market to how to increase your freelance rate without losing business.

If you’re looking to start your own educational business podcast, here are a few name ideas to get the creative juices flowing:

21. Corporate Classroom

22. Off the Back Burner

23. Corporate Competencies

24. Ducks in a Row

25. MBAudio

26. Weekly One-on-One

27. Teaching Tech Trends

28. I Learned This in Business School

29. Executive Education

30. Learning on the Job


A co-hosted business podcast features more than one host. This type of podcast relies heavily on banter, so it’s important for the hosts to have good chemistry. The hosts might be co-founders of the same company or might work in separate industries, thus bringing different areas of expertise and diverse perspectives to the show. 

In the co-hosted podcast Brown Ambition, journalist Mandi Woodruff and personal finance educator Tiffany Aliche join forces to teach women of color how to build wealth and navigate their financial and personal ambitions.

Use these 10 examples of podcast names for inspiration as you name your own co-hosted business show:

31. Corporate Quips 

32. Cohosts Incorporated

33. Herding Cats

34. Two Suits

35. B2B Banter

36. Co-Find Your Passion

37. Revenue Repartee

38. An Important Meeting

39. Startup Synergy

40. Dual Vision

Industry news

An industry news podcast dispatches updates on recent events and innovations within a particular industry. These types of podcasts often cover trends, market shifts, and up-and-coming businesses. 

For example, the crypto industry podcast Unchained features the host Laura Shin, a journalist who has covered the crypto industry for years. Laura conducts interviews and gives rundowns of the week’s most important headlines.

Here are a few good podcast names for an industry news show: 

41. Reinventing the Wheel

42. The Profit Podcast

43. ROInformation

44. Innovation Brief

45. The Tech Wave

46. Industry Shifts

47. Ecommerce Edge

48. New Venture News

49. Dividend Daily

50. Industry Intel

🌟Get your fill of expert insights, success stories, and trends. These are the best business podcasts, whether you’re just starting out or looking to grow.

Tips for naming your podcast

Choosing a great podcast name is a crucial step in attracting your target audience to your show. You might comb through options from a podcast name generator (like this one) or brainstorm your own podcast names. Either way, you’ll want to consider these five factors before you make your final decision: 

Keep it short and memorable

Catchy podcast names are critical for getting potential listeners to click on your show when they’re scrolling through streaming apps. A concise name is easy to remember, refer to friends, and search for. Aim for a title that captures your show’s essence in just a couple of words. 

To catch new listeners’ eyes and pique their interest, consider using clever wordplay, alliteration, or puns that will resonate with your target audience. Find inspiration by brainstorming keywords related to your show’s topic, recalling popular phrases you can repurpose, or looking at the names of successful podcasts in your niche. Think about how the podcast title sounds when spoken aloud and how it will appear visually on promotional materials. 

Reflect your content

To ensure that you’re attracting your target audience, a podcast name should clearly reflect the show’s content. Your show’s title and cover art should give your audience a sense of your podcast’s subject matter before listeners press Play on your first episode. For instance, if your podcast focuses on entrepreneurship, its name should hint at business and innovation. 

A great example of this is the Shopify Masters. Each week, hosts Shuang Esther Shan and Benjamin Gottlieb sit down with entrepreneurs and ecommerce experts as they share their experiences running successful online stores. The name clearly communicates the podcast topic, giving listeners a sense of who the guests may be and their experience.

When starting a new podcast, consider how your show might evolve over time. Choose a name that is broad enough for you to expand your podcast in the future while still being relevant to your current focus. This flexibility ensures your podcast can adapt and grow without being constrained by its title. 

Stick to your brand voice 

If you’re looking to start a podcast for your business, make sure to apply existing brand voice guidelines when you name your show. The title should fit within the rest of your brand’s messaging, creating cohesion and making your podcast recognizable to your customers. 

In the same way your podcast name should reflect its content, your show’s title should also reflect its mood and tone. If your podcast will be lighthearted and grounded with comedic banter, consider funny podcast names. This can be a great opportunity for puns and wordplay. Conversely, if your show centers a journalist’s investigation into an industry’s missteps, for example, craft a more sobering name.

Use keywords appropriately

Thoughtfully using relevant keywords can improve the discoverability of your podcast on search engines like Google and podcast directories like Spotify and Apple Podcasts. That said, avoid keyword stuffing, which can make your title come off as stale, spammy, and forced. 

Instead, focus on conceiving creative names that naturally integrate the words your potential audience searches. You can use keyword research tools to identify which words you might want to incorporate into your name.

Check name availability

Once you’ve landed on the perfect name, check its availability to ensure no one else is already using it. First, search the name across podcast directories, including Spotify, Apple Podcasts, YouTube Podcasts, and Amazon Music. 

Next, verify the availability of your podcast name on social media platforms and snag the handle. If you’d like to create a podcast website, make sure to check that the domain name isn’t in use. Tackling these steps before settling on a name will help you secure a cohesive online presence. 

Podcast name ideas FAQ

What is a good name for a podcast?

A good name for a podcast is catchy, relevant to your show’s content, and easy to remember. Consider a title that reflects your show’s tone. For example, if your co-hosted podcast takes a humorous approach, you could use a comedic name like Herding Cats, but if your podcast is meant to be inspirational, Dual Vision might be a better option.

Should I rename my podcast?

If your current podcast name doesn’t quite capture the show’s essence or it’s not resonating with your target audience, renaming could be a good move. This is especially true if you have the perfect podcast name in mind. If your brand is already established, renaming your podcast could be confusing to your audience, so be sure to make the transition clear to your listeners.

What are some ideas for business podcasts?

Some business podcast ideas include CEO monologues and interview-style podcasts in which you bring on guests. Educational podcasts can focus on explaining niche topics, while co-hosted podcasts that center on banter between colleagues, and industry news shows can cover the latest trends.